Evidense Based Diet Headquarters Haekvej 3 Haderup 7540 Denmark

Evidens Based Diet: Where Compassion Meets Health

Embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier, more compassionate lifestyle with our evidence-based approach to vegan living. At Evidens Based Diet, we believe in the power of plant-based nutrition to not only revolutionize personal well-being but also to protect our planet and its precious inhabitants.after seasons under fowl day grass. Earth he sea him may shall multiply.

Our Mission

Evidens Based Diet is more than just a dietary choice; it's a movement dedicated to creating positive change. Our mission is to empower individuals to adopt a vegan lifestyle backed by science, promoting optimal health while simultaneously contributing to the well-being of animals and the sustainability of our environment.

clients’ preferences while prioritizing sustainability.

From our blog

Explore Our Resources:

Nutrition Guides:

Access in-depth information on plant-based nutrition, meal planning, and essential nutrients to ensure you thrive on your vegan journey.

Recipes for Success:

 Delight your taste buds with our delicious and nutritious vegan recipes. From quick and easy meals to gourmet creations, we have something for every palate.

Community Support:

Connect with like-minded individuals in our vibrant community. Share experiences, gain insights, and find encouragement on your path to a healthier, more compassionate life. Join our Facebook group: